Martial arts focuses on mind, body, and spiritual connection. Each movement and each self-defense situation teaches the student to utilize different methods of mind control in order to gain the edge during a fighting scenario. One method is known as passive deception.
What is Passive Deception?
Passive deception is one’s ability to be psychologically in control of a situation and use this control to alter the outcome of a situation and eliminate the aggressive threat. Although martial arts revolves around the knowledge of self-defense, it is not completely based on a physical level, there are a number of ways to defeat an attacker. By learning how to control mind and body the student can learn how to use passive deception in a self-defense situation. There are a variety of components that make up passive deception.
Passive deception itself is an art form, it is a person’s ability to control his mind, words, and physical body language in order to deceive and aggressor. The main goal is to use a number of psychological tactics to find a window of opportunity to defuse the situation.
Important Aspects of Passive Deception
Speech is one of the most critical aspects of passive deception; it can be used as an opportunity to get into the mind of the aggressor. For example, agreeing with the aggressor will instill him with a feeling of confidence and he will believe that he is in control of the situation.
Next, non-aggressive movements can allow the victim to get into the proper position to defend themselves, doing this in a non-assertive manner will fool the aggressor into thinking that he is still in control of the situation.
Another method is to comply with the aggressor; verbal command will contribute to his confidence and lower his level of alertness. In addition, causing him to re-state his commands will begin to irritate him and cause him to have to think about what he has previously said, opening a level of opportunity.
Passive commotion, such as dropping something harmlessly can create an opening, as can freezing at a given command, such as gun confrontation. Even though many martial artists can take down an armed attacker, the attacker must be within contact range and the victim must be capable of using deception in order to get an effective move on the aggressor.
What We’ve Learned About Passive Deception
Ultimately these are just a few aspects of passive deception, which for those who practice martial arts believe is one of the most effective ways to gain the edge in any self-defense situation. It takes practice and discipline for an individual to be capable of deceiving his or her opponent; however, the use of passive deception can be one of the safest and strategic ways to control and defuse an attack situation.