/* sandovalkarate.com theme functions */ /* sandovalkarate.com theme functions */ Karate Terms Glossary: Definition of Yoko-Geri-Kekomi


Yoko-Geri-Kekomi Definition

What Does Yoko-Geri-Kekomi Mean?


yo·ko ge·ri ke·ko·mi

\’yō-kō\ ˈgā’rē\ ˈkē-kō-mē\

Definition: A linear thrusting kick that is normally used in Shotokan Karate. It is capable of delivering a blow of great force because it combines the thrusting motion of the leg with the power of the hips. It can be aimed at any area of the body, though most sensei will tell students not to use this kick to the head as it is a high-risk move.

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